New Autonomous World Speed Record Set With Indy Autonomous Challenge Maserati MC20

AI-Driver of Politecnico di Milano Sets New Autonomous Speed Record with Indy Autonomous Challenge Maserati MC20 Coupe, reaching 197.7 mph (318 km/h), during the 1000 Miglia Experience Florida, at Kennedy Space Center.
Cape Canaveral, Fla. (USA), March 3, 2025 – Indy Autonomous Challenge (IAC) and Politecnico di Milano, Italy’s largest scientific-technological university, have joined forces with Maserati and 1000 Miglia Experience Florida to carry out an ambitious high-tech initiative during the renowned competition’s stop in Cape Canaveral, Florida. The activity is part of MOST – Italy’s National Center for Sustainable Mobility, which drives research, innovation, and infrastructure development to create scalable solutions for eco-friendly transportation.
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Press Releases


in the news

NI News - NI and the IAC Collaborate to Accelerate Autonomous Technology ​

Marelli News - Marelli and Indy Autonomous Challenge Announce Technological Partnership on Connectivity Solutions for Autonomous Racecars

Business Wire - NI Becomes Exclusive Hardware in the Loop (HIL) Technology Sponsor of the Indy Autonomous Challenge

Robotics 24/7 - Indy Autonomous Challenge to Relaunch Simulated Races With Autoware Foundation, Autonoma, TIER IV

CNET - AI Takes the Wheel at the Indy Autonomous Challenge

Business Wire - IAC's Autonomous Racecars Run with dSPACE's Central Computers

PR Newswire - VectorNav Technologies Provides GNSS/INS with RTK for Indy Autonomous Challenge

National Defense - Army Looks to Auto Racing for Ground Vehicle Edge

After Market News - The Indy Autonomous Challenge Powered by Cisco at Texas Motor Speedway will run on Nov. 11 and mark the IAC’s return to racing.

Inside Business - Indy Autonomous Challenge to race in Texas

Daily Mail - Robo-car breaks the world speed record! Fully autonomous PoliMOVE vehicle reaches an incredible 192.2mph on the Space Shuttle airstrip at NASA's Kennedy Space Center

BBC Click - Checking out the latest and greatest innovations coming out of CES 2022, including the self-driving cars taking part in the Indy Autonomous Challenge

CNN -This self-driving racecar goes 173 mph with no human driver inside

The Robot Report - Polimove wins Autonomous Challenge @CES race

Die Welt (Germany) - Erstes autonomes Autorennen: Wie Formel 1, nur ohne Fahrer

Il Sole 24 (Italy) - Auto da corsa a guida autonoma, Politecnico di Milano da primato

KTLA (Ch5-LA) - At this autonomous race car competition, these speed cars are programmed to drive themselves

Mashable - Watch high-speed autonomous race cars go head-to-head on the track

TechCrunch - The best future car tech at CES 2022

UK Daily Mail (AFP) - Eat my dust humans.Self driving racing cars hit 173 mph during first-ever autonomous race at the CES in Las Vegas

Yahoo! Autos - How Indy Autonomous Racing Got Real at Las Vegas Motor Speedway 

STARTUPS Magazine - Racing Technology To Drive the Future of Autonomous Vehicles

Autoweek - How Indy Autonomous Racing Got Real at Las Vegas Motor Speedway

2 Oceans Vibe - There’s Nobody Behind The Wheel Of These 270km/h Race Cars [Video]

Texas News Today - Self-driving F1 car reached 115mph during the first ever autonomous race in Las Vegas

The Detroit Bureau - making history: a racing competition with no drivers

WTOP News - Indy Autonomous Challenge race at CES pushes limits of autonomous vehicles

Inside INdiana Business - Winner Crowned at Autonomous Challenge in Vegas

Robotics 24/7 - Indy Autonomous Challenge at CES 2022 Revs Up for Head-to-Head Race

Las Vegas Review Journal - Formula One race cars make autonomous runs at Motor Speedway

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Allie Fried
Indiana/National/International Media

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