How the Indy Autonomous Challenge Drives the Industry Forward With STEM Education

This article was originally written by Ashley Reyes and published on

The Indy Autonomous Challenge is showcasing the transformational impact that automation can have by bringing together academic institutions and challenging students to imagine and invent the next generation of automated vehicle software.

In an interview from the 2019 SEMA Show STAGE, Director of Mobility at Energy Systems Network Matt Peak shared his insight on how technology and design continue to evolve and enhance safety in today’s daily drivers, and gave details about the eagerly-anticipated high-speed autonomous race set to take place at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, October 23, 2021.

Not only will the challenge create a new pipeline of innovators and promote STEM education, but according to Peak, it’s also about getting technology into the hands of drivers.

“We know that there are 40,000 accidents a year on highways, and 94% of them are because we’re just doing too many things in the car. We’re distracted, or we just don’t see things in time. [Automated] technologies have a real role to play in enhancing our abilities to drive. Not displacing us—not taking anything out of the way of humans—but really just helping us drive better.”

Check out Peak’s full video and stay tuned to SEMA eNews for additional featured interviews powered by SEMA Education in partnership with the SEMA Wheel and Tire Council (WTC). For the latest news and updates on the STAGE, follow SEMA Education on Facebook and Instagram.

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