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Autonomous Challenge @ CES 2025
AV-24 Renderings
IAC Sponsors
AV-24 Spec Sheet
Indy Autonomous Challenge Maserati MC20 with AI-Driver from Politecnico di Milano setting the autonomous land speed record at the Kennedy Space Center.
Indy Autonomous Challenge Maserati MC20 and Maserati MC20 Cielo with Politecnico di Milano AI-Drivers.
Maserati MC20 Cielo with AI-Driver from Politecnico di Milano participating in the 1000 Miglia Experience Florida at Kennedy Space Center.
Racing in the Dark @ CES 2024
The new IAC AV-24 racecars lit up in the dark at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway for the Autonomous Challenge @ CES 2024. Credit Indy Autonomous Challenge.
PoliMOVE-MSU races the IAC AV-24 in the dark at the Autonomous Challenge @ CES. Credit Indy Autonomous Challenge.
AI Racing Tech (Berkeley/University of Hawaii/UC San Diego/Carnegie Mellon) races the IAC AV-24 in the dark at the Autonomous Challenge @ CES. Credit Indy Autonomous Challenge.
TII Unimore races the IAC AV-24 in the dark at the Autonomous Challenge @ CES. Credit Indy Autonomous Challenge.
Indy Autonomous Challenge @ CES 2024
The Cavalier Autonomous Racing team (University of Virginia) at the Autonomous Challenge @ CES 2024. Credit Indy Autonomous Challenge.
The TUM (Technical University Munich) team was the winner at the Autonomous Challenge @ CES 2024. Credit Indy Autonomous Challenge.
The TUM (Technical University Munich) team was the winner at the Autonomous Challenge @ CES 2024. Credit Indy Autonomous Challenge.
The TUM (Technical University Munich) receive their trophy at the Autonomous Challenge @ CES 2024. Credit Indy Autonomous Challenge.
The PoliMOVE-MSU student team brings their IAC AV-24 racecar to the track at the Las Vegas Motor Speed for Autonomous Challenge @ CES. Credit Indy Autonomous Challenge.
The KAIST students (Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) with their car at the Autonomous Challenge @ CES 2024. Credit Indy Autonomous Challenge.
The MIT.PITT.RW team at Autonomous Challenge @ CES 2024. Credit Indy Autonomous Challenge.
Indy Autonomous Challenge @ CES 2022
PoliMOVE wins 1st Place at the Autonomous Challenge @ CES. Credit: Indy Autonomous Challenge.
TUM Autonomous Motorsport wins 2nd Place at the Autonomous Challenge @ CES. Credit: Indy Autonomous Challenge.
PoliMOVE passes TUM in the final pass of the competition at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway. Credit: Indy Autonomous Challenge.
Credit: Indy Autonomous Challenge.
Credit: Indy Autonomous Challenge.
Credit: Indy Autonomous Challenge.
Indy Autonomous Challenge Powered by Cisco, October 23, 2021 Event
Indianapolis Motor Speedway

Photos courtesy of IAC